Saturday, February 22, 2014

Festival Design Entry 2

Above are three images that illustrate the basic mechanics for the Act Type and Performer Cards. The Act Type card contains the bonuses for using that particular type against one of the other four types. The bonuses listed are in number of dice rolled in addition to the value of the Performer card. The performer card is paired prior to the beginning of the game (during set-up). This adds variability tot he cards in that the 3 die cyclops card above could be a dancer in one game with the bonuses shown but could be a singer in another game with entirely different bonuses.

This mechanic couples with the Preference Track. That track consists of standard bonuses in a row. The last position is -1, then 0, then 1, then 3. The track is populated each round with tiles that represent the four different acts. So if Dance is in the #1 position, then this act is worth 6 dice (with 5s and 6s being successes). The act gains additional bonuses to its value if the other players have one or more of the other types of acts and those bonuses are determined by the Act Type card and are only known to the Pygmy playing the card.
In the end, the Performance Phase will be based on three variables, the Performance Track,  (not controlled by the players) the Performer Card (with a value known to all players) and the Act Type card (with hidden information). All players then roll their dice and the highest number of successes gets first choice of the Audience Cards for the round, second place gets second choice and so on.

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