Friday, February 14, 2014

Blast from the Past

I set up a blog on BGG in an effort to generate additional followers and traffic for the Pygmy Games Blog. My intention is not just to show off our stuff but to hear from the gaming community at large and increase interest in event games and in Poly Con. I figured that we could use a picture to help draw interest so I grabbed a preset pic from our first year at Poly Con. We preplan all of our boards in the weeks leading up to the con and in the few days before the con we will often do a preset of tables and terrain as we figure out configurations. This particular configuration (we called it the H) lasted for the first two years. I see it now and it seems so small. We thought it was giant at the time, but we have grown our boards by leaps and bounds since this set up. We were also using wooden hexes for movement in those days. We have moved beyond those (through painted hexes, to printed hex cards to printed hex tiles and this year we have a free movement system that does not incorporate our hexes (at this point)). Since my purpose in this blog is to document the work we do, I am happy to share a little of our history from six years ago.

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