Monday, May 5, 2014

Pygmy Unbox

Let's recognize together that I am a poor photographer, I leave that work to Scott for a reason....having said that though, our GC order came in today and so how could one not post a picture for an audience not paying attention to starving for information about Pygmy Festival. Well, as usual, there a couple of issues and oversights, but all in all it is a good year for design and production and I cannot wait until Con weekend to try everything out.

Scott and I will be getting together this weekend to do board presets and so I will likely have pics (that he shoots) to post up to give folks a look at the shape of things to come. I think it is fair to point out that a few years ago we got our GC order in 2 hours before our first session. This year, we have 6 weeks to show time, and I had a baby, and we are ready to roll (sort of). The Wastrel is working on Festival stages as we speak. I have not seen them. I am confident that they will be done by con and be a cool addition to the year.

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