Saturday, April 26, 2014

Link To PolyCon Precon BookThanks to the folks at PolyCon for our continued guest status. We appreciate how welcome you make us feel.

We are in production

I really think it is relevant to say that this year we are taking our work very seriously. What I mean by this is that in the past, we were very interested in the dimensional parts of our games (sets, minis, etc...) and we were forced to recognize that at times, our games were not nearly as good as they looked. We have been testing like crazy this year and have written what appears to us to be our best game. Part of the motivation there was to write a game that could be tested to the point that it could eventually go into real production. The sad part of that goal is that after our playtests, we have realized that our game is really good, but that it requires our large scale tables to work properly. We will continue to look at Pygmy Festival throughout this Con Season in hopes of finding the magic revision that will allow us to take our mechanics and play them on a reasonably sized board.

Above is a screenshot of our Gamecrafter page for this year. We are all super proud of our Audience Cards (seen above) and so I am celebrating our In Production status with a screenshot. We are #302 in the production cue and I am experiencing an interesting part of my year as I count down to getting our GC order. Our ship date is in early May and so it will still be a couple of weeks until arrival. I am hoping to be blown away by all of this year's work (and looking forward to our first real scoreboard). I will update on the Blog that no one reads as soon as the unboxing begins.

As a final note, I want to thank everyone that was involved in playtesting this year. Our old testing tended to involve us setting up the game in my yard the day before the con and the Wastrel and I hoping that it worked. This year, we ran a number of tests and learned lots in each test so the version that will arrive at PolyCon should be a real blast. Lots of tweaks of numbers and rules, a whole phase and a ton of improvements.